

Tender Alerts & Notifications

Get unlimited access to all relevant tender notices for the product or service category you are interested in. Subscribe to our daily email alerts or simply access our portal at will. Gain an easy access to scanned copies of tenders published in newspapers or websites along with every other pertinent information you need to be aware of.


Pre-Qualification Terms

Capture pre-qualification conditions as specified in the tender document. Focus on the right opportunity at the right time. Save valuable time, effort and opportunity cost by making an informed decision whether to bid for a given tender or shift the focus on a more appropriate one.


Tender Documents

Get complete set of tender information at a single place without having to hop from a website to another, saving valuable time and resources which could potentially be invested in winning the contracts instead.


Quick Filters & Optimized Results

Play around with our carefully chosen set of quick filtes and customize options to have results displayed the way you prefer.


Historical Tender Records

Maintain and keep track of historical data and tender records of the past. Identify useful trends, patterns and valuable insights and utilize abundant knowledge of the past to meticulously plan for the future.


Digital Certificates

Major government bodies have already switched to eTendering, eAuctions, Reverse Auctions, etc. You need a valid Class-3 Digital Certificate to participate in such opportunities. We also provide assistance in procuring digital certificate from the certifying agency of your choice. Get end-to-end support in terms of installation and configuration of digital certificate.


Upcoming Tender Information

Harness our knowledge to the best of your advantage. Track thousands of new projects announced by the government and private sector companies across India involving huge investments and opportunities worth zillions.


Open Access to Tender Marketplace

Get benefitted from the open and unlimited access to the tender marketplace, explore new opportunities and chart new avenues for growth.