Privacy Policy

When you register with SearchMyTenders, you are opting in to receive communication from us electronically by email, SMS, WhatsApp or chat. However, you may prefer to opt out any time. From time to time, we will send you updated notifications of relevant business opportunities, as well as information nuggets about SearchMyTenders, site amendments and additional services. We reserve the right to communicate with you over any available medium. You are hereby agreeing that all notices, and communications that we provide to you electronically or otherwise, satisfy any legal requirements that such communications be in writing. Users should be aware that unprotected e-mail communication via the internet is not secure and it is subject to possible interception, loss or alteration. SearchMyTenders is not responsible for, and will not be liable to the user or anyone else for any damages in connection with any email sent by the user to SearchMyTenders or an email by SearchMyTenders to the user or anyone else at the user’s request. The information contained in this site has been supplied largely by the public/private procurement websites which, in turn, has been supplied by, or on behalf of state/private organizations, pursuant to statutory obligations. SearchMyTenders does not, and cannot vouch for the accuracy of such information. SearchMyTenders shall not be responsible for the consequences of any errors or omissions in the information held on its database.

User Registration

As part of the registration process, SearchMyTenders will leverage the Android ecosystem to fetch your email IDs and OTP from SMS for registering, sending notifications and also sending emails. SearchMyTenders fetches this information only to ease onboarding and show relevant tender recommendations. Passwords or OTP (asked at the time of login) are personal to the users and should not be shared with the third parties. The users are responsible for the safekeeping of their passwords. SearchMyTenders is not responsible for any loss or damage suffered by the users as a result of other parties accessing the website using their passwords. SearchMyTenders will be indemnified against any loss incurred by them as a result of such use. The user shall notify SearchMyTenders in writing of any change in the information provided for the SearchMyTenders account. This site or any portion of this site may not be reproduced, duplicated, copied, sold, visited or otherwise exploited for any purpose, commercial or otherwise, without the express written permission of SearchMyTenders. You may not frame or utilize any framing techniques to enclose any trademark, logo or other proprietary information from SearchMyTenders without our express written permission. Nor you may facilitate any third-party to do so. The user acknowledges that records accessed through SearchMyTenders will be as up to date as indicated by the publication data provided on the website of the associated page. The user acknowledges that SearchMyTenders reserves the right to suspend, limit or deny access to the SearchMyTenders website in part or in full, to individual user accounts for your own private use or for the internal purpose or benefit of your business alone.

Links and Advertisements

Links to or from websites and resources may be provided on our site. These links are provided solely as a convenience to the user of this site and not as an endorsement of the contents of such third-party sites. The information on SearchMyTenders is received from a variety of sources, which include the various public/government authorities, and possibly others. All information is hence, available as per these sites and therefore, governed in turn by the conditions of these organizations. SearchMyTenders has made every reasonable effort to ensure that the information is accurate and authentic. However, it cannot be held liable for any third-party claims or losses of any damages. SearchMyTenders makes no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the results obtained from the use of the information. We suggest you go through the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policies of these websites before using or visiting them. No responsibility will be accepted by SearchMyTenders for the service or advertisement placed or provided through our website and/or mobile application.

Communication Services and Your Information

Please note that in accordance with the Information Technology Act, 2000 and its amendment in 2008, and its applicable rules thereunder, in case of non-compliance with applicable law, these Terms of Use and/or the Privacy Policy in relation to the access or usage of our website and/or mobile application, we have the right to immediately terminate the access or usage rights of any user of our website and/or mobile application and remove any non-compliant information. Without limiting the generality and effect of the foregoing, you undertake that you shall not host, display, upload, modify, publish, transmit or share any information on the website or mobile application that: belongs to another person and to which you do not have any rights; is grossly harmful, harassing, blasphemous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, paedophilic, libellous, invasive of another’s privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically objectionable, disparaging, relating to or encouraging money laundering or gambling, or otherwise unlawful in any manner whatsoever; harm minors in any way; infringes any patent, trademark, copyright, or other proprietary rights; violates any law for the time being in force; deceives or misleads the addressee about the origin of such messages or communicates an information which is grossly offensive or menacing in nature; impersonate another person; contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer resource; in order to enable the company to use your information, so that we are not violating any rights you may have in your information, you agree to grant us a non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, sub-licensable (through multiple tiers) right to use your information, in any media now known or that may come into existence in future.

Without prejudice to our rights, to the extent required or permitted by applicable law, we may also collect, use and disclose your information in connection with security-related or law enforcement investigations or in the course of cooperating with authorities or complying with legal requirements.

You shall solely be responsible for any loss that may be incurred by any person as a consequence of the use of/reliance on your information and you agree and undertake to indemnify and hold harmless, the company, its employees, officers, affiliates, partners and group companies from all such losses.

“Loss” for the purposes of these Terms of Use means each loss, damage, fine, penalty, cost, expense or other liability (including legal and other professional fees) and losses shall be interpreted accordingly.


We will do our best to provide constant, uninterrupted access to SearchMyTenders. However, we do not guarantee this and we accept no responsibility for any liability or any interruption or delay.